There is no Left and Right, there is simply Right and Wrong and if right is right and left is wrong, so be it.
I can respect that you have differing opinions, but in reality there’s truth and what’s right and then there’s wrong. The confusion about why we can’t find a middle ground is because of the introduction of Moral Relativism into many arguments. The belief that what’s right and wrong is relative. That it changes between cultures evolves over time and differs between people.
Moral Absolute (or Absolute Truth) on the other hand, says there is an unchanging truth at the heart of every debate. And that wrong and right is usually easily decipherable especially if you leave God in the equation.
Of course the Moral Relativism side either says there is no God or has diminished his importance to such an extent as to remove Him from the equation.
Look first at abortion. It sounds better to say you strongly believe in free choice, but you can’t escape the subject of what you’re choosing.
The “choice” one is making is to kill something living. Those on the side of this “free choice” engage in Moral Relativism because they’ve taken what should be a Moral Absolute and applied an additional belief to it. The belief that one’s own circumstances or their own convenience plays a role in the morality of the decision.
This in fact allows for the lessening of the value of life – either through a self-convincing argument that it is either not life or more likely that one’s own life’s happiness is more important.
Where then is the line drawn, and why not take this sore subject a few months further, deliver the baby and then simply shoot it in the head?
Regardless of why the choice to terminate a pregnancy is made (see how clean that phrase sounds?) the person making the choice knows in her heart that what she is doing is wrong. She certainly would not choose to become pregnant in order to terminate a baby. Yet, even though she innately senses this is wrong – Moral Relativism allows her to say, “Yes, this is wrong, but this is better than the alternative.” Therefore, in reality both sides do agree what the Absolute Truth is, but one side has added information that should not apply.
Yet! Pro-life people are portrayed as wackos. In fact those who stand for Absolute Truth on any subject are now ridiculed.
Today in this nation we call right wrong, and wrong right. Where better than in the abortion topic can we see that what everyone knows is wrong has become right? Add God to the argument and the answer becomes clearer – Judean Christian, of course, but it is not likely that your God, in any other form you imagine him - wants you to kill – excuse me – terminate your pregnancy – in order that you have a more comfortable life for yourself.
My best friend is Gay. Today he believes strongly that it should be acceptable, but ask what he felt like the first 20 years of his life and you’ll find that he felt it was wrong. To get to his feelings of acceptance today he had to make changes in his thinking and the world had to “evolve” according to his beliefs. This is Moral Relativism in action. For him, there was a right and wrong but for him and millions of others, it changed.
Moral Absolutes don’t change.
The amount of people that believe something to be true has no correlation whatsoever to its being true. In fact, if an overwhelming majority of people believes one side of any argument, you should always consider it suspect.
There is either the rule of mass hysteria at work, or mass laziness. It’s easier for people to simply believe something is true because they’re convinced a majority already believes it to be. This is why the mass “drive-by” media is so effective in shaping beliefs.
Any effort to actually get most people to educate themselves on their own by actually looking at facts is futile. Today people in our government simply sign off on huge unread bills, or follow junk science blindly.
People who engage in moral relativism often do the same – ignore or refuse to read the data.
Moral Absolutes can be found in the Judeo Christian bible, but the other side without reading the text claims it is not relevant.
It’s amazing how so-called intelligent people are able to suspend their belief in reality where it suits their preconceived or preprogrammed assumptions – and again call the other side crazy.
Evolution for example causes even people of scientific minds to outright suspend the laws of physics and deny the most basic governing principles of the universe– that matter decays and becomes chaotic - it doesn’t become orderly.
They also ignore basic principals of mathematics by simply adding time to the equation. Add millions and billions of years to a pile of wood and it is not going to become a house, it is eventually going to rot and decay and turn into dust.
If you find a watch in the desert you assume somebody built it. Similarly if you find a planet sustaining life in this cosmos, assume somebody put it there. Again this relativism that changes scientific principals to suit ones own beliefs removes God from the equation.
Change “matter” to “information” and the same blind faith not based in fact applies – in this case information may become more complex – but not on its own - it has a designer, a programmer.
All the time through eternity future will not make a series of 0’s and1’s become a game of Pong much less Madden Football- Just as all the time through eternity future without a designer would not create a living amoeba much less a hippopotamus, a peacock and a newt much less a human being.
Look around at your chairs, TV’s clocks and refrigerator, your cars and your homes – God said, “Let Us create man in our own image.”
In His Image he created us – the proof being that like God we have the ability, in fact the drive to create. God alone created the heavens and the Earth and everything in them.
Absolutely, not relative to what you may think.
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